Sunday, May 15, 2016

Living Well Even On A Budget You Can Eat Healthy

Small Bell Peppers from the Maryland Food Bank.

I am looking for ways to save money by cutting my food budget. At the same time it is also important to eat healthy.  In this post and the next few posts I will share tips for saving money. Hope you find this information useful.

Currently, I'm keeping a record of what are my spending habits and the kinds of purchases I make on a monthly basics such as:

    • The kinds food I enjoy eating;
    • Keep all receipts for food purchase to find the cost;
    • Create a price book of the items I buy and the stores I shop;
    • This includes the food that I eat at work;
      • breakfast, lunch and snack

From this information I hope to gathered, what are items can be cut out or substitute a least expensive?

When I visit some of my favor stores, the first thing I like to do is check out the mark down section. I have found out of season items, household cleaners, personal care products that I use mark down 50 to 75 percent.  And I also look for the monthly store brand items on sale if the item is out of stock I get a rain check from the customer service desk.

Next, I keep a running shopping and errand list and labels from hard to find items and coupons in a Ziploc bag in my car. On my travel to and from work I do my shopping and run errands as many of these places are on my route. This “Big List” helps to keep me on track and focus on what I need to get and serve as reminder I don’t need to buy everything I see at Wal-Mart! (LOL!)  Writing out a meal plan for 2 weeks at a time, checking my cabinets to see what it on hand and what is needed from the food store is also helpful. Now that my children are grown I no longer need to cook every day, so when I do cook I try to make enough for another meal. It is also helpful to shop at smaller stores such as ALDI’s Savers Food Store, even the Dollar Store and Big Lots. The draw back to shopping in these  smaller discount stores is that these stores may not accept coupons. 

That’s all for now!  More later!


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

There are still Secret Gardens…

On the commuter train before dawn;
Reading my morning devotional;
Looking out the window;
As I think on the Word of God and;
Watching the sun rise;
Welcoming the new day!

Then all of a sudden, there it is!
Near a group of trees is a small garden!
Who is the owner of this Secret Garden?
Maybe this Secret Garden belongs;
To a homeless Person ....

It warms my heart to see that someone;
Has planted this Secret Garden in
The middle of nowhere!

This garden represents Hope,
Faith - with just a few seeds, soil, rain
And sunshine there will soon be
Food to eat!