My Journey to the Country


I live in Maryland and my little cottage home is located in the suburb (I pray that will change to the Country location) because it’s halfway between parents' home and my job.  Most importantly because this is were the Lord wants me to be for a short season before I can move to my country home. I was blessed to find a small church of Bible believing –walking in faith day by day church family; here I have made friends and become apart of a caring loving church family. In God’s word it tells us; where two or more gather in the name of Lord, He is there! This journey of change has not always been an easy one there has been joy, happiness, sorrow, pain, love, and many blessings along my journey. Still I sojourner on because I know the Lord is with me and I need to learn these lessons before I can move forward.

Each day I arise up in morning when most are still sleeping to have devotional and prayer; then prepare for the daily commute of about 1 ½ hours each way. You may think that’s a crazy commute, but there are many others who travel much farther than I do either daily or weekly. The weekly folks either stay with family or friends in the area or have an apartment near their work site. After awhile that commune and the stress of the job begin to wear on you. You long for peace and no stress life!

For me that is when I go camping or to camp meetings my church has in the mountains.  When I drive get beyond the city's 4 lane highways that turn in to a 2 lane highways onto the county on into the to the mountains. There is that moment I feel the change in the air I begin to smile! The country is a place where life is a little slower; there is time to live life according to the Word of God. To enjoy all that He has created; to be light bearers for others in the community by the living faith daily – 24/7 – 365; because it’s away of life! In this way we can bring others to know the joy and glory of living by faith.

The call has been placed on my heart by the Lord. Now my education, training has begun to prepare me for the next step!

See U Guys There!!!

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