Monday, January 27, 2020

Counting Down Getting To Retirement......


I haven't been blogging since 2018, now that I'm retired I ready to go!  Below is some blog entries that haven't been posted so here you are.....  Just to give you a heads up there will be some changes to this blog in the coming months.  Stay tune!

Counting Down Getting To Retirement......


I have a dream of moving to the country to enable me to have a closer walk with the Lord with out the stresses of the urban life that lived for the passed 30 years because it was the only way I knew how to care for my family.

As retirement gets closer I have become more focus or dare I say obsess with my idea of this big move. I have cleaned out and gave away items I'm no longer using, reading other stories of how they became more self reliant,living debt free. I'm within a few years of seeing my dream become a reality that I just want to jump or be beamed to the finish line. But  I need to take a deep breath follow the steps I need to take today that will lead me to my dream. Lastly, don't forget to enjoy the journey.


The above post was my last entry; this year it seems that my job has taken up a lot of my time, energy to the point of physical exhaustion. Plus taking care of family needs and lastly decluttering my home and getting the home ready to sell.  I'm finding that family and decluttering my home is a full time job. I have 5 more months before retirement in December.

My plan was to have my home sold by December in the New Year I would be on my way to my country sojourn at this point I don't think I will be moving until a little later in the coming New Year.