Sunday, January 24, 2016

Saving Money: Making Meals at Home

In this post I'll share some of my recipes that that I have learn or in the process of learning how to make.  Hope you will enjoy these recipes too.

This pass December I attended a cooking class and Health Seminar the presenter was Donna James. She has practiced health reform for the past four years and received training in health at the Hartland College in VA.  Donna James believes that cooking should be easy and not a time consuming chore.  The session was interactive and informative and fun!

Below are 3 receipts that I liked the most!

 French Toast

 1 Cup Vanilla Flavored Soy Milk (can use Almond)

2 TBS. Flour

1 TBS. Sugar

1 TBS. Nutritional Yeast

1 TBS. Cinnamon

Olive Oil

 Mix all ingredients together.  Dip bread and fry in skillet, let both sides brown. 

(This was delicious taste like French toast made with eggs!)


Parmesan Cheese

 3   TBS. Nutritional Yeast

3/4 Cup raw cashews

1/4 TSP. Garlic Powder

3/4 TSP. Sea Salt

In food processor mix all ingredients, pulse until a fine meal is achieved. Store in refrigerator to keep fresh.  Last for several weeks.

 Kale Salad


Purple Cabbage

Shredded Cabbage

Red Onion

Mix all ingredients together. Service with your favor a non-dairy dressing.

Donna explained that pour a little olive oil over the kale salad would brighten the color and for me it add a little more flavor. I now use this on all of my salads.  When I go to salad bars I have try use their salad oil but have end up getting sick.   

On my Salads I like croutons but the ones you buy in the store are supper hard to chew and may have items add that I can't even pronounce.  So here is my personal recipe for making fresh croutons.

Making Croutons

Instead of going out to the store to buy store croutons use day-old bread  to make your own croutons. 

Croutons are great in a salad or pasta dishes or soups.

What you need:

Left over bread

Olive Oil

Parmesan Cheese

Italian Season

Here is what you do:

Cut up bread into small pieces and place in blow.  Then cover with olive oil and sprinkle on the Parmesan Cheese and Italian Season.  Next place the croutons in the oven on parchment-line baking sheet for 15 minutes until golden brown.   Now they are ready for your to be added to your salad or soup.

Here is one more that I recipe I would like share, but have not try yet.  I came across it in the magazine pass summer.

Canned Salmon Loaf

3 Cans of Salmon (remove the skin and bones)

4 Tbs. mayonnaise

1/2 Cup non-dairy milk

1 Cup oat bran or oatmeal or leftover rice or breadcrumbs (use what you have on hand)

1 Tbs. onion power

2-3 tsp. dried dill

2 Tbs. lemon juice

1 egg

Mash salmon with mayo add non-dairy milk. Next add oat bran, onion power, dill, lemon juice and egg.  Mix well and put into an 8 x8 loaf or cake pan.  Bake 45 minutes at 350.

While the Salmon Loaf bakes fix some frozen broccoli or cauliflower with your favor seasonings placed in the oven on parchment-line baking sheet.  When both dishes are ready serve and enjoy.