Monday, August 22, 2016

Women: Let us uplift and not tear down each other.......

Sisterhood is being in one accord to uplift and not tear down each other!

As women who have chosen to follow the light of truth by faith and as folks of color having a long difficult history….  
Let us be more humble and understanding of one another.  Let not one speak about another unless it is to uplift your sister. 

Surely, if the disciples could come together and be of one accord we as women of color can do the same.  

Opening a new door

One of the things I wish to pursue is my writing of poetry, antidotes; what I like to call "Words of Wisdom from a Wise Women".   I have decided that when the desire to write comes over to me to just stop what I'm doing and write it all down.  Who knows I may be I will self-publish a book too!
I see the approach of retirement and empty nest as a door opening up to new possibilities.