What I enjoy the most about the summer is the warm weather, watching my garden grow, meals cooked outside on the grill. Lastly, just spending time with family and friend sitting around talking as the sun sets.
But what I don't like are bug bites! There are a lot of sprays you can buy, but they seem to leave your skin sticky and smelly. Here are a few home remedies I have tried.
Insect Repellents:
- Skin Soft by Avon - Wonderful - Love the Smell
- Place a Bounce Dryer Sheet in your pockets - Its ok but the bugs just moved to biting my ankles.
- Johnson's Baby Oil - this to work for a short time. So you will need to put more Johnson's Baby Oil on.
- Vicks Vapor Rub - now who is even going to want to get near you? Folks will think you have a summer cold.
- Ivory Soap: wet a bar and gently rub it over the insect bites to relive the itchiness.
- Listerine - Saturate cotton ball and dab it on the bites. When I don't have any Listerine I use peroxide.