Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Shades of Autumn

The mornings are cooler, days are shorter.  Soon the trees will begin to change to the many shades of autumn.  The leaves fall to blanket the earth to become food for the soil for new flowers, plants in the spring.

It’s also time to put away the summer clothes and sort through the winter clothes.  Let’s see what to keep or give away or keep for scraps to make a patchwork quilt.  Mmm, I’m thinking about my Grandmother and how she use to take our old clothes to make us grandkids patchwork quilts by hand.  As I write this post I also recall going to the mountains in the fall with a good friend as we looked over the farm land below.  I was struck by how the land below looked just like one of grandmother’s patchwork quilts.  This may be a good fall time project – let me put this on my “to do list” made a “Shade of Autumn” patchwork quilt.

Ok – Back to the chores around the house; cleaning out the basement, donating items to Goodwill and/or Salvation Army.  I enjoy having a nice table laid out using the color of the seasons as my guide.  Try to keep my table set ready to break bread with family and friends when they stop by. This may sound costly, but you can get many nice things at thrift stores, yard sales, dollar store or make them yourself.  And it’s a must is to have cold sweet ice tea and lemon aide in the fridge too!  My family seems to drinks the tea and lemon aide as fast as I can make it.  Also it’s time to get the living room painted!  Mmm…. What color do I want??  Ok – let’s move that thought to the back burner for now.

There are some upcoming fall holidays such as Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day – both of these are on a Monday which means half price days at many of the thrift stores in my area. Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together to give glory to the Lord for all he has done for us and our family. Next is a personal holiday “Black Friday” Wait hold on - I can hear you Say - What?!  For me I have found this day to be one of the better days to buy items for your home at crazy cheap prices.  This takes a bet of planning, because we don’t always know just what items will be on sale.  Well I seem to have my lists together time to drop off the donations and take care of a few errands.  At the bottom of my “to do list”, I have don’t for get to take time out to take a walk to enjoy the seasons good weather while is last and to also enjoy the many shades of autumn.

Enjoy this time by God’s Grace and Love.

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