Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Saving Money on Your Monthly Food Bill

I am looking for ways to save money by cutting my food budget by $10 to $20 a month. At the same time it is also important to eat healthy.  In this post and the next few posts I will share tips for saving money. Hope you find this information useful.
What are my monthly spending habits?
    • Keep all receipts for food purchase to find the cost.
      • This include the food that I eat at work and home for breakfast, lunch and snack.
After gathering the above information then analyze it to find out what are items can be cut out or substitute a least expensive?
    • Create menus to use for weekly meals and what you will need for each meal. The menu is a guide for your convenience as you make out the shopping list.  It is important to stick to the list and don’t leave home without it.
What to look out for at the food store?
o      When shopping at your local food stores to buy staple items such as bread, fresh/frozen fruits, and vegetables are usually stocked around the outer perimeter of a store. The inner aisles mostly have more package goods that are less healthy. Many time the local foods stores are not always the cost effective place to get your grocery.  Shopping for food at the Dollar, drug stores, local retailers such as Target and Kmart, ethnic outlets inexpensively; and local farm market, CSA, local community garden or start your own small garden.  
o       Keep a price book to use as a tool for tracking prices, products and sales in your area. From this information you will notice three month cycle. Prepare food yourself rather than buying prepared foods that are less healthy.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Better Than Ice Cream

As I strive to eat healthier, I have found substitutes for one of my favor treat - "ice cream"!

Try these two easy recipe.  Enjoy!


Treat for One!

Here is what you need:

1 Banana
2 Scoops of Non-Dairy Whipped Topping
   Handful of Nuts

Here is what you do:

Cut up the banana and place in a bowl. Next added  the 2 scoops of Non-Dairy Whipped Topping.  Then add a handful of nuts.  Your treat is ready to eat.

Banana/Strawberry Ice Cream

Here is what you need:

3 Bananas
1 8oz Blow of Non- Whipped Topping
1 Small bag of Strawberry

Here is what you do:

Cut-up the bananas and place in the blender. Next add the non-whipped topping, strawberry and mix all in the blender until smooth.  At this point you can spoon it out place in a dish and place in the freezer for 1 hour. Serve cold. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Country Sojourn: Living Simply and Enjoying Life!

Country Sojourn: Living Simply and Enjoying Life!: The first step is: "Living a traditional life by following the leading of the Lord Christ Jesus. To do this by reading the Word of God...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Country Sojourn: Do you remember Jiffy Popcorn?

Country Sojourn: Do you remember Jiffy Popcorn?: Do you remember Jiffy popcorn? The popcorn came in a small foil pan, that was cooked on the stove top. When I was a little girl my ...

Country Sojourn: The Last Frontier Just maybe Kitsault, BC

Country Sojourn: The Last Frontier Just maybe Kitsault, BC: Few realize the importance of shunning, so far as possible, all associations unfriendly to religious life. In choosing their surroundings...

Friday, October 9, 2015

Country Sojourn: So What’s In That Store Brand Peanut Butter?

Country Sojourn: So What’s In That Store Brand Peanut Butter?: In this post we will discuss the ingredients add to our food that we buy from our local grocery store. The next time you go shopping ch...

Home Made Papaya Juice!

My church gave out some fruits and veggies this past Sabbath and one of the fruits was a Papaya. I have had Papaya in fruits salads and as a drink that came from the food store, so these items were process with way too much sugar.  I'm learning process foods are not good for a healthy body.
My investigation began with an online search to see how I could to make own Papaya juice. It was easier than I thought! The recipe below was adapted from “Taste of Tanzania.com”.

Home Made Papaya Juice
Papaya Juice
Here is what you need:
1 ½ Papaya cut into chucks
2-3 cups of water
1/4 cup white sugar or honey (optional)
Here is how you do it:
  1. Peel the papaya, remove all Seeds and cut into chucks.
  2. Blender papaya, water and sugar until smooth. Note: It is better to start with only one cup of water first, then add the rest.
  3. If you wish to make a smoothie on use one cup of water. If still to heavy add more water and blend again.
  4. Add ice and place in the fridge to chill.
  5. Serve cold and it’s better to drink the juice within 12 hours, but you can keep for a few more days.
Variations: The first time you try the recipe above follow the directions as listed and see how you like it. Then try my variation instead of using 2 to 3 cups of water, white sugar or honey, I used pineapple juice. By adjusting the amount of Papaya chucks uses and water or pineapple juice, the papaya juice will be either heavy or thin. The choice is up to you. Remember a recipe is a guide. Once you understand the recipe then you can add your own variations to make a dish to your liking and taste. The above recipe made more than enough for just me to last a week. The extra juice can be frozen to make a wonderful treat, again don’t keep it too long.
What a wonderful way to start the day with a cold glass of Papaya juice in the morning before heading out for the day.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Last Frontier Just maybe Kitsault, BC

Few realize the importance of shunning, so far as possible, all associations unfriendly

to religious life. In choosing their surroundings, few make their spiritual prosperity the

first consideration. {Country Living by Ellen G. White}

Have you ever wanted to live the country life to be in a place where the air is fresh and you can have a small home, nice garden and a few dogs to keep the homestead safe?  A place where there is not so much of the worldliness and madness we find in many of our urban areas?  Then the town of Kitsault in British Columbia, Canada may just be the place for you! I found out about Kitsault as I was searching for possible places to live.  When I read about this town it reminded me of the TV show called Eureka (2006-2012).  It’s funny how something that's labeled science fiction one day can become reality later on.  The press release describes the town as:

Kitsault is a purpose-built resource community with complete community infrastructure and housing for more than 1000 residents. With nearly 350 acres land of industrial land, full BC Hydro service, and a deep water port, Kitsault makes both economic and environmental sense as the preferred location to be the LNG terminal site for the export of natural gas from North East British Columbia to Asia and other markets. Other LNG pipeline routing to Kitsault has already been proposed.

The well maintained Kitsault town site features over 90 occupant-ready family homes, and approximately 150 two and three bedroom condominium units. The community facilities include a complete community complex with an aquatic center, community recreation rooms, an indoor arena for basketball, a curling ring and racquetball courts and much more. The town’s well maintained amenities include restaurant facilities, a shopping center, a post office, a bank, a supermarket, a medical center, as well as numerous outdoor amenities.

Kitsault Energy is in the process of consulting First Nations communities about training, education and employment opportunities. The Kitsault LNG terminal will result in job training and permanent well-paying careers for First Nations’ youth.  Kitsault Energy has also begun the process of consulting with LNG energy partners, as well as local, provincial and federal governments.

Check out the web site for more information http://www.kitsault.com/.  There’s publications that can be can download learn more about the area and contact information as well.   If this town is not for you keep searching there are several others out there! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Do you remember Jiffy Popcorn?

Do you remember Jiffy popcorn? The popcorn came in a small
foil pan, that was cooked on the stove top. When I was a little girl my parents would makeJiffy popcorn as a special treat for me.  I enjoyed watching their parents popcorn pop until it would burst out the foil package.

For our family night I made stove popcorn in a oversized frying pan.  The family love it!  It only takes a few minutes to do!

Home Made Brown Sugar Popçorn

Here is what you need:

Vegetables Oil
Brown sugar


In a large frying pan pour enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom of the pan. Next pour just enough popcorn to also cover the bottom of pan. Cover frying pan with foil. You can cover with a lid on top the foil, to ensure the popcorn will not fly out. Now turn on the stove top on low heat and move the frying pan back and forth over the heat until the popcorn pops. Remove pan from heat after all kernel have popped.

Note there may be some poping still going.  In a small bowl add about 1/2 cup of brown surgar and little melt butter. Mix together. Pour the popcorn into serving blow and dizzle the brown sugar mixture over the popcorn. Mix popcorn with a wooden spoon so it coats all the popcorn.  Now its time to eat! So sweet so good!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Carolyn's Punch

Just wanted to add this recipe for a refreshing punch to serve at your next social event! 

Here's what you need:
1 medium can of frozen orange juice & 1 can water
1 medium can of frozen lemon aid & 1 can water
1 medium can of frozen lime aide & 1 can water
1 can of Doyle pineapple juice (not concentrated)
2, 2 liters of ginger ale
¼ cup of sugar or sweeten to taste
 Here is what you do:
Mix all ingredients together and serve. 
Continue to stir the punch as you serve to ensure it’s well mixed.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

George W. Carver and Dr. Joh H. Kellogg

From all of the bios I have read about George W. Carver, even though the times were not the best for people of color he seem to put that a side and focus on his faith in God, reaching providing alternative crop to cotton.  Mr. Carver also wrote a book call "How to Grow The Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption" http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/fruit-nut/carver-peanut/.   Reading Mr. Carver's will give you inside in how to grow, care for the peanut, nutritional value and Peanut recipes. The recipe for Peanut Soup is similar to the one I have seen in the Cherokee cookery.  All of the recipes are easy to adapt to modern day cookery.

Dr John H. Kellogg patented a "Process of Preparing Nut Meal" in 1895.  Nut Meal is made by grinding Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios, and Peanuts to the consistency of corn-meal.  Dr. Kellogg served the nut meal at his Battle Creek Sanitarium.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

So What’s In That Store Brand Peanut Butter?

In this post we will discuss the ingredients add to our food that we buy from our local grocery store. The next time you go shopping check the label for nutritional information as well as the ingredients. The example we will use is our local store brand Peanut Butter; ingredients listed are Peanuts, Dextrose, Full Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed, cottonseed and Soybean) Salt and Corn Syrup.

The problem with some store bought Peanut Butter is the ingredients that are used to extend shelf life and to make us crave, and consume more of a food product can have harmful effects to our overall health.  These same ingredients can also be found in ice cream, jellies, juices, cookies, pies and luncheon meats and the list goes on. Below is a brief description of Dextrose: is a commercial name for glucose - the same glucose that is present in fruits or in the sucrose (table sugar) molecule. Dextrose placed in sugar included in a variety of foods, such as breads, cakes, cookies and crackers.
Corn Syrup or High-Fructose: is a common sweetener in sodas and fruit-flavored drinks. The use of use of high-fructose corn syrup is linked to obesity and other related health problems. This is a good reason not to buy sodas and fruit-flavored juices it is better for you to make your own as you can control how much sugar is add. I really enjoy package hot coca. I did realize that there was so much sugar in one small package, so I began buying the unsweet hot coco and it taste great! I like ice and buy in from the store to have at work and guess what it too have high fructose – That why it taste so good. When I make tea at home I use the tea bag, and fresh lemons. Then here too I control the sugar. So when you think about it all the sodas and fruit-flavored drink aisle is a wasted.
Please take some time out to read what the Mayo-Clinic has to say about Corn syrup or High Fructose. From the Mayo-Clinic (See link for more information: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/high-fructose-corn-syrup/faq-20058201)
 Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (Grapeseed, cottonseed and Soybean): The Hydrogenate Vegetable oils are made from grapeseed, cottonseed, soybean are also known as trans-fat these oils help to the peanut butter or other food items looking good and to extend the self-life of the product but these trans fats is also link to obesity. For more detail of the just what Trans fats are and what they do to the body please check out the link from the Mayo-Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/in-depth/trans-fat/ART-2004611
In an upcoming post we try out making out own Peanut Butter.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Viewing A Movie To Gather Information.....


Warning:  This movie has adult content!         
From the jacket cover:                          
“When a mysterious cyber-attack cripples civilization, James and his old college friends retreat to a remote country home. Together, they must cope with an uncertain future while defending themselves against desperate outsiders who will do anything to survive.”
I picked-up this movie from Sam’s Club, recommend this movie for adult viewing only as it has some crude language, sexual and drug content.  After you watch the movie the first time, then replay the movie, mute the sound and study the movies visual information. I will share two of these scenes with you, the first takes place in the front of the house as the friends re-unite. Do you see how they had a small garden in the front of the house? The second scene is the country dinner, notice there is no meat on the plate. There are many things to think about when planning your country home…. Enjoy the movie.

Living Simply and Enjoying Life!

The first step is: "Living a traditional life by following the leading of the Lord Christ Jesus. To do this by reading the Word of God Daily, His Word will provide you with guidance and wisdom in your sojourn."

Country Church

Thursday, October 1, 2015

How Did The Bread Turn Out?


The bread turn out ok, but I will need to work on this skill. I want my bread to be a little sweeter and softer.  Maybe, I could  add a little more honey and knead the bread a little more.  In the mean time, I will check out some other bread recipes I have.
Lesson learned about making bread is that you really have to follow directions step by step!

Easy Homemade Whole Wheat Bread


I attended a "Cooking For Life" class given by  a good friend of mine were I learned how to make this wonderful bread.   The bread baking in the oven smells so good!   This bread will go nicely with the Sunday family breakfast!
I hope you will also enjoy making your own bread.
This recipe makes 1 medium-size loaf.
  • 1 1/2 Cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 Cup unbleached white flour
  • 1 Tablespoon dry yeast (or 1 packet)
  • 1 Tablespoon of 0il
  • 1 Teaspoon salt
  • 2 Tablespoons honey
  • 1 Cup hot water
  • 1 gallon plastic bag
  • Clean Kitchen Towel
  • Nonstick Vegetable Cooking Spray
  1. Measure the wheat flour, yeast, and salt.  Put into the 1 gallon plastic bag.
  2. Seal the bag and shake gently.
  3. Open bag and add the oil, honey, and water.
  4. Squeeze the air out of the bag and seal it again.
  5. Squeeze the bag with your hands until all the ingredients are mixed up.
  6. Now add the rest of the white flour (seal the bag & follow step 4) and knead again until it is smooth and from dough into a ball.
  7. Keep squeezing or kneading the dough for about 10 more minutes.
  8. Place the bag in a warm place and cover with a clean kitchen towel.  Let it rise until it has double in size.
  9. While the dough is rising, grease or spray the bread pan with nonstick vegetable cooking spray.
  10. Punch the dough down with your fist and then take it out of the bag.
  11. Put the dough into the bread pan.
  12. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel.
  13. Let it rise until it doubles again.
  14. While it is rising, turn oven on and heat to 350F.
  15. When the bread had risen, put the pan into the oven and bake it for 30-35 minutes or until it is golden brown.