Saturday, October 3, 2015

So What’s In That Store Brand Peanut Butter?

In this post we will discuss the ingredients add to our food that we buy from our local grocery store. The next time you go shopping check the label for nutritional information as well as the ingredients. The example we will use is our local store brand Peanut Butter; ingredients listed are Peanuts, Dextrose, Full Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (Rapeseed, cottonseed and Soybean) Salt and Corn Syrup.

The problem with some store bought Peanut Butter is the ingredients that are used to extend shelf life and to make us crave, and consume more of a food product can have harmful effects to our overall health.  These same ingredients can also be found in ice cream, jellies, juices, cookies, pies and luncheon meats and the list goes on. Below is a brief description of Dextrose: is a commercial name for glucose - the same glucose that is present in fruits or in the sucrose (table sugar) molecule. Dextrose placed in sugar included in a variety of foods, such as breads, cakes, cookies and crackers.
Corn Syrup or High-Fructose: is a common sweetener in sodas and fruit-flavored drinks. The use of use of high-fructose corn syrup is linked to obesity and other related health problems. This is a good reason not to buy sodas and fruit-flavored juices it is better for you to make your own as you can control how much sugar is add. I really enjoy package hot coca. I did realize that there was so much sugar in one small package, so I began buying the unsweet hot coco and it taste great! I like ice and buy in from the store to have at work and guess what it too have high fructose – That why it taste so good. When I make tea at home I use the tea bag, and fresh lemons. Then here too I control the sugar. So when you think about it all the sodas and fruit-flavored drink aisle is a wasted.
Please take some time out to read what the Mayo-Clinic has to say about Corn syrup or High Fructose. From the Mayo-Clinic (See link for more information:
 Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (Grapeseed, cottonseed and Soybean): The Hydrogenate Vegetable oils are made from grapeseed, cottonseed, soybean are also known as trans-fat these oils help to the peanut butter or other food items looking good and to extend the self-life of the product but these trans fats is also link to obesity. For more detail of the just what Trans fats are and what they do to the body please check out the link from the Mayo-Clinic
In an upcoming post we try out making out own Peanut Butter.

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